Understanding the Risks

DIY Garage Door Spring Replacement

Replacing a garage door spring yourself can be a complex and potentially dangerous task, and it’s generally recommended to leave it to trained professionals.

In this blog share you some reasons, why the better way is to call to a prefessional:

Safety Hazard: Garage door springs are under high tension and can cause serious injury or even death if mishandled. Attempting to replace them without the proper tools, knowledge, and experience puts you at risk of accidents or severe injuries.

Tools Required: Replacing garage door springs requires specialized tools and equipment, such as winding bars and clamps, which may not be readily available to the average homeowner.

Correct Spring Selection: Professional technicians have the expertise to select and install the appropriate springs based on the weight and dimensions of your door.

Balancing the Door: Garage door springs must be properly adjusted and balanced to ensure smooth and safe operation. Incorrect installation or adjustment can result in uneven door movement, premature wear on other components, and potential safety hazards.

Warranty Considerations: Hiring a professional ensures that the work is done correctly and maintains warranty coverage.

Hiring a qualified garage door technician ensures the job is done safely, correctly, and in compliance with industry standards. (CALL US NOW (626) 873-1268 and receive a free quote)